Spiritualism and Realism: One Wants A Teller In A Time Like This By Gwendolyn Brooks

9 Dec

One wants A Teller In A Time Like This By Gwendolyn Brooks was a poem unique for its time. As a poet in the times of the Harlem Renaissance, Brooks companions’ poetry was often driven by the component of romanticism and realism, while also emphasizing “Black Power” in a time of oppression. As many poets also glorified the romantic engagements between black men and women and the over all structure of life at the time, Brooks took a different route that eventually led her to the forefront of the women’s rights movement in the 1960’s. Though Brooks incorporated an aspect of the Harlem Renaissance concept of realism, she took it to a whole another level.

By “demystifying” both men and the society, Brooks’ realism could often be mistaken as pessimism. Nonetheless, Brooks instills hope in her readers through poems like One Wants a Teller In A Time Like This. Even in a time plagued with discontent, Brooks is relatable to all walks of life who feel the same as her–lost. Her appeal to the masses does not, however, take away from her certainty as a poet.

Brooks’ poetry, often short and precise, is famous for embedding an aspect of the most actual and reliable being: G-d. “Be patient, time brings all good things” she says for “Love’s true, and triumphs; and G-d’s actual”. In this way, Brooks poems’ realism infers, ironically, the most spiritualism and effectively assert her role as one of the most audacious and renowned poets of the early 20th century.

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